The first floor is a basic plan, and layout. There are two entrances. One is for the pizza shoppe (A), and the other is for the residence (B). With that in mind, there will be areas that will take up some space. However, this will be expected. The rooms are
B Entrance
The entrance to unit B is simple, and to the point. There is a locked mailbox for letters that would happen to go to the unit – however, almost all mail will go to the PMB for security reasons. There is also an intercom button that would buzz for the residence. This intercom will be close to the front door of the residence. There is also an elevator that will have serve the basement, 1, and 2. The first floor will have a door that will connect to the hall for the garage.
There will be a 2 car garage. While I only see myself with one automobile, the second space can be used for any visitors. This is because on street parking is toll only which will mean the visitor will have to pay for parking if they didn’t use the garage. The garage will also have a panel for charging any EVs that may come into the garage.
Between the garage and the elevator, there will be a long hallway. This hallway is only going to be 5′ wide, but this will be wide enough to support any needs. There will be a motion sensor that will detect motion, and turn on the hall lights. If there is no motion, the lights will be off.
Pizza Shoppe
As mentioned, there will be a business. This business will be a pizza shoppe that I will own. I would expect that the business will not pull a profit in for 2 years, so for that time, I will be supporting the business. However, the business will have a website, and 2 telephone numbers. The first one is the back office, and the second one is the public one for the shoppe.
The front of the shoppe will have a counter, and an ethernet jack for the cash register. The register will have a payment terminal that would support NFC payments. This will be encouraged when possible to assure that the card never leaves the owner’s possession.
The middle of the shoppe will be the oven, and prep table. There will also be grease fryers that would support French Fries, and provolone sticks. The rear of the shoppe is the back office where the manager will handle the needed day to day operations.