
The Basement will be where the utilities will come in from. It will also be a storage area for both the business, and the residence. Since there will be an integrated garage on the first floor, the space below the garage must be filled, and can not be used as space. This will make the basement smaller than the other floors, but safety will always come first.


The cent-vac system will provide a resource for cleaning the cork-tile flooring that would be throughout the building. One will simply vacuum the floor, and the dust and dirt will run to this vacuum unit. Every 6 months, the filter will be cleaned, and canister emptied.

Communications Closet

There is a lot happening here. First, all ethernet lines will run to this room. In addition, all coaxial lines will run down here. Since copper line telephone service is no longer supported, there will be no telephone lines. In the communications closet, there will be a patch panel where all of the lines behind the walls will run to. This will allow for the lines to not be tugged at, and therefore increasing their lifespan. From the patch panels, the lines will connect to 10GB switches, and then eventually the network server. The network server will function as a router, and a proxy server.

Additional servers will include a NAS (Network Attached Storage) server, a media server, a telephony server, and 3 Tablos which will be able to record up to 4 channels each. Each Tablo will be assigned to a bedroom. All servers will be rack mount to reduce clutter, and increase efficiency. In addition, each server will be named to identify which server is which. This is because the network server, and telephony server will both be 1U in size. The NAS and media server will be 4U in size. The network server will connect to both a FiOS line and a Comcast line for internet services.

Also, all coaxial lines will run to here. This will then plug into a splitter, and either connect to the OTA (Over the Air) antenna, or a cable TV provider. All coaxial jacks will use the same service provider for the entire building. Therefore, connection to the OTA antenna will provide OTA antenna service to the business, and the residence.

Electrical Closet

There are 2 incoming services for electricity. The first is the solar panels. The second is the electrical service line. There will be multiple battery banks that would provide for electricity at night, and provide power in the event of an electrical outage. The goal will be to go over-kill on the solar panels, and guarantee a net-zero energy building. There will also be whole building surge protection to ensure that everything is protected.

Storage Rooms

There will be 2 storage rooms. One will be for the pizza shoppe, while the other one will be for the residence. Both rooms will have shelves that are sturdy and reliable. There will also be floor space for anything that might be larger.

Water Room

This room will allow for water and sewage services to come in. The water line will get split to run the multiple needs of the building. If not, then there will be insufficient resources. There will be a 1″ line which will provide water to both the business, and residence. There will also be a dedicated 1″ water line for the sprinkler system. The water lines used for heating, and fire will not be filtered as that would make no sense. The water system will have higher end filtration, and osmosis systems to clean the drinking water. This will eliminates someone’s desire to buy bottled water since the residence water will be just as clean or cleaner.